I am using snap kit to set out constraints. The first image is what I'm trying to achieve with the code below. How can I set the constraints off the circle's width and height to be dynamic on any iPhone screen ?
profileImage = UIImageView()
profileImage.layer.borderWidth = 2
profileImage.layer.borderColor = UIColor.lightBlue.cgColor
profileImage.layer.cornerRadius = 130
profileImage.clipsToBounds = true
profileImage.layer.masksToBounds = true
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action:#selector((tappedImage)))
profileImage.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
profileImage.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
profileImage.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
Couple points...
First, 71%
of the view width will probably be too big. Start around 50%
and adjust to your liking.
You are using .cornerRadius = 130
but your imageView may not be that size (certainly not on different devices), so you want to set the corner radius to one-half the width of the image view (or height, doesn't matter since it will be a square 1:1 ratio).
You could wait until viewDidLayoutSubviews()
to find out the run-time size of the image view, but if your image view ends up as a subview of another view, it won't be set at that point either.
Much easier to create a very simple UIImageView
class ProfileImageView: UIImageView {
override func layoutSubviews() {
layer.borderWidth = 2
layer.borderColor = UIColor.systemBlue.cgColor
layer.cornerRadius = bounds.width * 0.5
clipsToBounds = true
layer.masksToBounds = true
Then your view controller looks like this:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var profileImage: ProfileImageView!
// your top margin value
let topMargin: CGFloat = 20
override func viewDidLoad() {
profileImage = ProfileImageView()
if let img = UIImage(named: "sampleProfilePic") {
profileImage.image = img
profileImage.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
// respect safe-area
let g = view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
// this should give the same layout as your "snap" constraints
// center horizontally
profileImage.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: g.centerXAnchor),
// your topMargin value * 2 from safe-area top
profileImage.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: g.topAnchor, constant: topMargin * 2.0),
// width
// 71% of width of safe-area is probably too wide
// try starting at 50%
profileImage.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: g.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.50),
// 1:1 ratio (square)
profileImage.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: profileImage.widthAnchor),
// profileImage.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
// make.centerX.equalToSuperview()
// make.top.equalTo(titleLabel.snp.bottom).offset(topMargin*2)
// make.width.height.equalTo(view.snp.width).multipliedBy(0.71)
// }
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action:#selector((tappedImage)))
profileImage.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
Whenever the size of your profileImage
view changes, the ProfileImageView
class' layoutSubviews()
will automatically set the corner radius appropriately.