HotChocolate serializes enum values in all upper snail case, which leads to
being the enum value FooBar
being inferred as FOO_BAR
by Hot Chocolate, but value.ToString()
and Enum.GetName(value)
gives FooBar, and Hot Chocolate seems to ignore [EnumMember(Value = "FooBar")]
How can I change the serialization to any way I'd like?
HotChocolate server v11 follows the spec recommendation which defaults to enum values being serialized as UPPER_SNAIL_CASE per default.
You can change this like this:
.AddConvention<INamingConventions>(new YourNamingConvention())
public class YourNamingConvention
: DefaultNamingConventions
public override NameString GetEnumValueName(object value)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
return value.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(); // change this to whatever you like