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Grafeas golang filter string and DeleteOccurrence() API errors

I'm running into 2 separate issues using the Grafeas golang v1beta1 API.

What I'm trying to do

  • Call ListOccurrencesRequest() with a Filter to get a list of occurrences for deletion
  • Call DeleteOccurrence() on each occurrence from above list to delete it

Issue #1

I'm trying to set the Filter field using this GCP reference grafeas golang code as a guide.

filterStr := fmt.Sprintf(`kind=%q`, grafeas_common_proto.NoteKind_BUILD.String())
listReq := &grafeas_proto.ListOccurrencesRequest{
    Parent:   BuildProject,
    Filter:   filterStr,
    PageSize: 100,

listOccResp, err := r.grafeasCommon.ListOccurrences(ctx, listReq)
for {
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("failed to iterate over occurrences", zap.NamedError("error", err))
            return nil, err

But it looks like my filterStr is invalid, here's the error:

filterStr       {"filterStr": "kind=\"BUILD\""}
failed to iterate over occurrences      {"error": "rpc error: code = Internal desc = error while parsing filter expression: 4 errors occurred:\n\t* error parsing filter\n\t* Syntax error: token recognition error at: '=\"' (1:4)\n\t* Syntax error: token recognition error at: '\"' (1:11)\n\t* Syntax error: extraneous input 'BUILD' expecting <EOF> (1:6)\n\n"}

It looks like the \ escape character is causing trouble but I've tried it without it and get another flavor of same type of error.

Issue #2

When I call DeleteOccurrence(), I can see that the occurrence is in fact deleted from Grafeas by checking:

curl http://localhost:8080/v1beta1/projects/broker_builds/occurrences

But DeleteOccurrence() always sets the err


    for _, o := range occToDelete {
        log.Info("occToDelete", zap.String("occurrence", o))
        _, err := r.grafeasCommon.DeleteOccurrence(ctx, &grafeas_proto.DeleteOccurrenceRequest{
            Name: o,
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("failed to delete occurrence", zap.String("occurrence", o), zap.NamedError("error", err))


failed to delete occurrence     {"occurrence": "projects/broker_builds/occurrences/f61a4c57-a3d3-44a9-86ee-5d58cb6c6052", "error": "rpc error: code = Internal desc = grpc: error while marshaling: proto: Marshal called with nil"}

I don't understand what the error is referring to.

This question was cross-posted on Grafeas message board.

Appreciate any help. Thanks.


  • Solution for Issue #1

    I'm using grafeas-elasticsearch as the storage backend. It uses a different filter string format than the examples I had looked at in my original post.

    For example, instead of = -> ==, AND -> &&, etc.

    More examples can be seen here:

    Solution for Issue #2

    Known issue with grafeas

    Unfortunately the latest tagged release of grafeas v0.1.6 does not include these fixes yet. So will need to pick them up on the next release.

    Thanks to @Ovidiu Ghinet, that was a good tip