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Errorhandler aiohttp webserver?

How can I create http error router in aiohttp web server?

   from aiohttp import web
   routes = list()
   routes.append(web.route('POST', '/reg', handler))

How can I create for example:

routes.append(web.error_handler(404, handler404)


  • Common way to create custom error pages in aiohttp is to use middleware:

    from aiohttp import web
    async def error_middleware(request, handler):
            response = await handler(request)
            # this is needed to handle ``return web.HTTPNotFound()`` case
            if response.status == 404:
                return web.Response(text='First custom 404 message', status=404)
            return response
        except web.HTTPException as ex:
            # this is needed to handle ``raise web.HTTPNotFound()`` case
            if ex.status == 404:
                return web.Response(text='Second custom 404 message', status=404)
        # this is needed to handle non-HTTPException
        except Exception:
            return web.Response(text='Oops, something went wrong', status=500)
    app = web.Application(middlewares=[error_middleware])

    One more example is here