I am trying to have basic collapsing/folding functionality for sections in the HTML file that has been exported from org-mode, since the files I want to share are very large. I am using Emacs 26.2 (9.0) and Org 9.1.9 on a Mac.
This seems like a built in feature, but I haven't seen any effect from adding #+INFOJS_OPT
commands to my org files before exporting to HTML. I also saw another tool mentioned on the mailing lists, but without any examples I don't know how apply it to a specific org file I have.
For example, the following file is converted to HTML which looks identical to the same file without the INFOJS_OPT lines
#+Title+: JS test
#+INFOJS_OPT: path:js/org-info.js
#+INFOJS_OPT: toc:nil ltoc:nil view:overview mouse:underline
#+INFOJS_OPT: home:https://orgmode.org buttons:nil
* Chapter 1
** Section 1
*** Part 1
- csp
** Section 2
- cs2p
I have a freshly-downloaded copy of js/org-info.js.
There is a slight difference in the HTML generated, but this seems to have no effect. I'm at a loss for how I can have folding in the resulting HTML - open to solutions even outside of org-info.js.
Seems that org-info.js is not maintained anymore. Here they provide the source code in JavaScript, for anyone willing to tweak/update it.
Luckily someone updated it (thanks Daniel Clemente!).
The procedure is:
at the following link: https://www.danielclemente.com/pagina/esquemadorg.js.org
file#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <script type="text/javascript" src="esquemadorg.js"></script>
Make sure that src="esquemadorg.js"
points at the file relative to where the html exported file is located.
Some text in Spanish (or Portuguese?) will appear on the exported document. You can do a full search in the esquemadorg.js
file and change it to English. Mine looks like this now.
par.append(document.createTextNode("Press on a section header to collaps/expand it."));
par.append( $( document.createElement('a') ).text(" COLLAPSE ALL ").addClass("globalexpandtool").click(close_all_sections));
par.append( $( document.createElement('a') ).text(" SHOW ALL ").addClass("globalexpandtool").click(open_all_sections));