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Prove that this language is undecidable

Is the following language L undecidable?

L = {M | M is a Turing machine description and there exists an input x of length k such that M halts after at most k steps}

I think it is but I couldn't prove it. I tried to think of a reduction from the halting problem.


  • Review: An instance of the halting problem asks whether Turning machine N halts on input y. The problem is known to be undecidable (but semidecidable).

    Your language L is indeed undecidable. This can be shown by reducing the halting problem to L:

    1. For the halting problem instance (N, y), create a new machine M for the L problem.
    2. On input x, M simulates (N, y) for length(x) steps.
    3. If the simulation halted within that number of steps, then M halts. Otherwise, M deliberately goes into an infinite loop.

    This reduction is valid because:

    • If (N, y) does halt eventually in k steps, then M will halt for all inputs of length k or greater, thus M is in L.
    • Otherwise (N, y) does not halt, then M will not halt for any input string no matter how long it is, thus M is not in L.

    Finally, the halting problem is undecidable, therefore L is undecidable.