I have a JSON blob that I am trying to extract a value from, specifically, the Zip Code under the Rating Information section (Expected value = 90703). Does MySql 8 support JSON filter expressions?
{ "quote_number": null, "items": [ { "annual_amount": 0.0, "pro_rata_amount": 0.0, "name": "Value Information", "categories": { "Use": "Single Family Detached", "Zip Code": "51431", "Floor Coverings": "Carpet" } }, { "annual_amount": 0.0, "pro_rata_amount": 0.0, "name": "Rating Information", "categories": { "Number of Non-Weather Water Losses": "0", "Protection Class": "2", "Zip Code": "90703", "Special Hazard Interface Area": "N" } } ], "total": { "annual_fees": 0.0, "annual_premium": 9.0 }, "policy_id": null }
Path: $.items[?(@.name=="Rating Information")].categories.Zip Code
The path appears to be correct as I get data when testing via this site: https://jsonpath.com/
If MySql doesn't support JSON filtering, what is the recommended work around?
MySQL 8.0 and 8.1 does not implement full support for jsonpath expressions. For example, it does not support filtering expressions. The limited support for jsonpath is documented here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json.html#json-path-syntax
The solution in MySQL for filtering JSON data is to use JSON_TABLE()
I tested your data:
set @j = '{ ...your json... }';
select * from json_table(@j, '$.items[*]' columns(
name text path '$.name',
zip_code text path '$.categories."Zip Code"'
)) as j;
| name | zip_code |
| Value Information | 51431 |
| Rating Information | 90703 |
You can then put a WHERE clause on the query to get the one you want.
Read more about JSON_TABLE(): https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-table-functions.html