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emotion use css prop with custom components

In my application I have a component that I want to style with the css prop from outside.

function Component({css}:{css?: React.CSSProperties}) {
  // some stuff going on here
  return (
        color: blue,
       // some stuff going on here

The background is as follows: I want to use Component in different scenarios where I have to style the container based on the surrounding layout. E.g. flex, grid or in combination with some components I have to add different margins.

Now instead of introducing many props for all possible scenarios, I want to be able to style the container from outside the component.

E.g. usages of the component could be:

function Layout() {
  return (
    // some other components
    <Component css={{margin: 12}}/>
    // some other components


import {css} from "@emotion/react"

const style = css({margin: 12})

function Layout() {
  return (
    // some other components
    <Component css={style}/>
    // some other components


import {css} from "@emotion/react"

const style1 = css({margin: 12})
const style2 = css({color: 'red'})

function Layout() {
  return (
    // some other components
    <Component css={[style1, style2]}/>
    // some other components

I have the following problems:

  1. If I use css as the prop name (as in the above example) the style is not applied. If I change the name of the prop to e.g. newCss it works as expected
  2. React.CSSProperties is not the right prop type to handle all the possibilities of emotions css prop.
  3. How can I merge the different css prop possibilities (object, list) with the css prop from Component?


  • The right way of achieving this functionality is modifying the component to accept extra props. This way the css prop passed into the component would be merged with the one within the component.

    function Component({prop1, prop2, propN, ...props}) {
      // some stuff going on here
      return (
            color: blue,
           // some stuff going on here

    Now you can use additional styles on your component and it will be rendered properly.

    function Layout() {
      return (
        // some other components
        <Component css={{marginTop: "1em"}}/>
        // some other components

    The side effect of this solution that any additional prop would be passed directly to the HTML element inside the component that takes {...props}.