I'm using the coc-pyright extension of CoC in neovim.
There are cases where we have an instance method in a class that doesn't need to access self variables. For example, I may have some variables in __init__
method which do not need to be accessed anywhere else in the class. As a toy example, consider,
class Example:
def __init__(self, some_var):
self.another_var = self.process_var(some_var)
def process_var(self, some_var):
return some_var*2
Now, here pyright warns me that self
is not accessed. Is there a way to set Pyright to not give a warning in such cases?
P.S. The variable being passed is an instance-specific variable. So self
would be required to make it an instance variable, right?
So you're passing some_var to the method instead of using it as an instance variable, meaning you don't actually need self. You are using process_var as a static method, as it is being passed all of the data it needs. You can use the static method decorator and remove self like so:
class Example:
def __init__(self, some_var):
self.another_var = self.process_var(some_var)
def process_var(some_var):
return some_var*2
If you were to instead use the instance variable it would look like this
class Example:
def __init__(self, some_var):
self.some_var = some_var
self.another_var = self.process_var()
def process_var(self):
return self.some_var*2
The static method approach is much cleaner here as by using instance variables you need to be aware of what the current state of some_var is before you call process_var, otherwise the results will vary.
You can set reportUnusedVariable to false in your pyrightconfig.json file, but I wouldn't recommend this as pyright is giving you valuable information about how to restructure your code.