i use BlazorInputFile on my project but dont know how to transform the stream that i get from the input file(a zipFile) to an ZipArchive to loop in it....
i see the stream is ok but when i try to make an copytoasync to a memorystream it dont work telling me the variable is not available.
So i try with an await befor the copytoasync with a async task instead of my void function loadFile, and i saw now the ms available but its empty, size is 0... seems nothing happened in the copytoasync...
private async Task loadFileAsync(IFileListEntry fileZip, ExcelWorksheet sheet2User)
MemoryStream mstest = new MemoryStream();
await fileZip.Data.CopyToAsync(mstest);
mstest.Position = 0;
using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(mstest, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)
//my code...
i find the solution and make it work like this, converting it to base64string and write it to a new ms! Maybe it can help.
private void LoadFile(MemoryStream msFromBlazorInputFile)
MemoryStream memoryfilestream = new MemoryStream(0);
using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(memoryfilestream, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)