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Why does doing variable assignment inside mapply's MoreArgs argument give different results than doing it inside its "..." argument?

Using the following block of code:

mapply(sum, list(x<-x+1))
mapply(sum, MoreArgs = list(x<-x+1))

I get the following output:

> mapply(sum, list(x<-x+1))
[1] 2

> x
[1] 2

> mapply(sum, MoreArgs = list(x<-x+1))

> x
[1] 3

Why do the results from the two uses of mapply differ? I was under the strong impression that I would get the same result.


  • The number of times mapply iterates depend on the length of the ... arguments. In the second call you don't provide any argument and so mapply iterates 0 times. It doesn't matter what you have passed to MoreArgs.

    Some examples:

    mapply(match,integer(0),integer(0), MoreArgs=list(table=1:10))
    mapply(match,integer(0),1:10, MoreArgs=list(nomatch=2))
    #Error in mapply(match, integer(0), 1:10, MoreArgs = list(nomatch = 2)) : 
    #  zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length

    Everything is clearly documented in ?mapply. In the arguments section:

    ...: arguments to vectorize over (vectors or lists of strictly positive length, or all of zero length). See also ‘Details’.

    In Details:

    ‘mapply’ calls ‘FUN’ for the values of ‘...’ (re-cycled to the length of the longest, unless any have length zero), followed by the arguments given in ‘MoreArgs’.