I am getting the following error inside my docker container:
How can I update my dockerfile, so that while building the container it builds with a version of wkhtmltopdf with patched Qt.
Following is my dockerfile:
RUN apt-get install -y wkhtmltopdf
RUN apt-get install -y xvfb
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Installing the following dependencies with wkhtmltopdf worked out for me:
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y xvfb
RUN apt-get install -y wget
RUN apt-get install -y openssl build-essential xorg libssl1.0-dev
RUN wget https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/releases/download/0.12.4/wkhtmltox-0.12.4_linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz
RUN tar xvJf wkhtmltox-0.12.4_linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz
RUN cp wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmlto* /usr/bin/