We are currently trying to integrate spotfire with our angular application and we are stuck.
how to integrate spotfire analyatic report with common user credentials? We call the api with url and param and there are some options to show/hide menu etc.
But I want this visualization to be seemless with my other contents of the page. Users should not be asked to login to spotfire.
How can we allow anonymous access and how can we hide the login button on top?
Have you considered using https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tibco/spotfire-wrapper ?
This is a lib that eases the integration of Spotfire in an Angular App or even inside pure raw HTML like this
path="Samples/Introduction to Spotfire"
page="Example dashboard"
<script src="https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/spotfire-wrapper/blob/master/dist/spotfire-wrapper.js" ></script>