I have table in which I have two columns with name "Month" and "Year"
Here are there values "4" and "1438" respectively both column values are from Hijri calendar.
Now I want to change all values of month in table from Hijri to Gregorian.
I just tried to do so for one value in this way,
select convert(datetime, value, 131)
from (
values ('01-04-1424 9:54:59:767AM')
) samples(value)
It has successfully changed it to "2003-06-01 09:54:59.767"
But how can I change all values of month column from table my table name is "Employ"
Hope for your suggestions.
You have to replace column name instead of value
SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, concat('01-', month_column,'-', year_column), 131) FROM Employ