Let's say I have the following class:
template <typename T>
class SomeClass : Parent<T>
// I have a function such as this one:
T DoSomething(const T &t)
return t.DoSomething(some_data);
// But `T` might be a pointer, so sometimes I will need something like the following
// instead (which obviously doesn't work as given):
T DoSomething(const T &t)
return new T(t->DoSomething(some_data));
XYZ some_data;
I got stuck in a giant mess of template errors trying to implement this in any semi-nice way possible using template specialization.
In the end I came up with this very ugly solution:
template <typename T>
class SomeClass : Parent<T>
T DoSomething(const T &x)
return Specializer<T>::Do(this, x);
template <typename V>
struct Specializer {
static V Do(SomeClass *me, const V &x)
return x.DoSomething(me->some_data);
template <typename V>
struct Specializer<V*> {
static V* Do(SomeClass *me, const V *&x)
return new V(x->DoSomething(me->some_data));
XYZ some_data;
Is there a better way to do this that doesn't involve stuffing this function into a dummy class/struct and passing around my this
PS: In reality, this has nothing to do with pointers, but rather with different types of containers. Pointers were just an easy example to use here.
You can avoid writing any specializations, and use a type trait like std::is_pointer along with if constexpr
to decide what code to execute depending on the whether the type is a pointer type or not:
auto DoSomething(const T &t)
if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>)
return new T(t->DoSomething(some_data));
return t.DoSomething(some_data);
If you don't want to check for whether T
is a pointer, but want to check something else, you can still use this pattern by dropping in a suitable replacement for is_pointer