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How to install Harbor behind the Traefik proxy

I would like to install Harbor behind Traefik proxy. The problem is, I can not do it with docker-compose because Harbor provides installation script.

The question is, it is still possible to install Harbor behind Traefik proxy?


  • In theory you can install Harbor behind any proxy, but you must note that Traefik is more then a simple proxy, it is like Load Balancer with some feature that know where your services are.

    So depends on your service network architecture, in generally Traefik could not be a problem whether it state in front of Harbor like an Edge Router or a Transparent Proxy. Although it targets to discovery all your services expose by some Orchestrator Solution like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm (Harbor use Compose). You should config it like a "The startup configuration (referred to as the static configuration)":

    Traefik configuration

    Finally and sadly I must discourage you to use Harbor behind Traefik proxy is useless, but you can hardly use it.