I would like a container to run a determined command before it stops after issuing the command "docker container stop". I have found the question How to execute a script when I terminate a docker container but it does not really work as the container keeps crashing after creating it, even if I add an infinite loop to execute when run. I'm running the container as: docker run -ti -d --name test stop_test
What could be wrong?
This is my docker file:
#Starting with a ubuntu image
FROM ubuntu
#Installing all dependencies
#Copying files
COPY loop.sh .
COPY commands.sh .
COPY stop.sh .
#Running new container
RUN chmod +x commands.sh
RUN chmod +x stop.sh
CMD ["./commands.sh"]
#Adding Entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "./stop.sh" ]
The stop script is:
#Defining cleanup procedure
cleanup() {
echo "Container stopped. Running script..."
#Trapping the SIGTERM
trap 'cleanup' SIGTERM
#Execute a command
less /etc/password &
wait $!
The loop script:
while :
sleep 300
The commands script is:
The problem was in the command being executed by the stop.sh script. I replaced it by the infinite loop script and worked well.