I want to use UserDefaults, and I think I cant store an Instance of a Struct that I coded by myself, am I right? Now is my question; How can I store an Custom Struct Instance as Data. Thanks for your time Boothosh
Define a custom object which conforms to Codable
. A simple example:
struct MyObject: Codable {
var something: String
And when you want to save it to UserDefaults, just encode
do {
let encoded = try JSONEncoder().encode(MyObject(something: "String"))
UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: "kSavedObject")
} catch {
If you want to retrieve it, you can use decode
if let data = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: "kSavedObject") {
do {
let myRetrievedObject = try JSONDecoder().decode(MyObject.self, from: data)
} catch {