I am currently using the IBKR api to request details about a contract, I am specifically interested in the conid, which is an attribute of the object Contract according to the documentation (IBKR Api Class Contract)
As a test, I implemented a simple request contract details to print out the whole detail of the contract
def contractDetails(self, reqId, ctx):
super().contractDetails(reqId, ctx)
The above segment of code printout the following:
def contractDetails(self, reqId, ctx):
super().contractDetails(reqId, ctx)
The above code printout the symbol of the contract searched, as expected.
def contractDetails(self, reqId, ctx):
super().contractDetails(reqId, ctx)
But the above code return an attributeError:
AttributeError: 'Contract' object has no attribute 'conid'
From my understanding of the documentation, the attribute should exist, and based on the initial printout it has a value of 432280833.
My question is, as anyone tried to fetch this information and succeeded?
You can check the source code to see what fields and methods there are.
class Contract(Object):
def __init__(self):
self.conId = 0
self.symbol = ""
Note the spelling.