I am attempting to integrate the angular-oauth2-oidc library with Auth0 and Github. Feel free to keep in mind I have selected all scopes(just to be safe), from the Auth0/Github UI side of things.
I am using the latest features that angular-oauth2-oidc has to offer.
responseType: 'code',
customQueryParams: {
// API identifier configured in Auth0 - Put made up audience here
audience: 'https://dev-51246k0z.us.auth0.com/api/v2/',
Can see full auth.config.ts file here:
import { AuthConfig } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
export const authConfig: AuthConfig = {
// Your Auth0 app's domain
// Important: Don't forget to start with https://
// AND the trailing slash!
issuer: 'https://id.company-name.com/',
// The app's redirectUri configured in Auth0
redirectUri: window.location.origin ,
// URL of the SPA to redirect the user after silent refresh
silentRefreshRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
useSilentRefresh: true,
// The app's clientId configured in Auth0 - example client id
clientId: 'A0tLAYYSyGRtwyF4wlVh49jmLZCW8pVQ',
// Scopes ("rights") the Angular application wants get delegated
scope: 'openid profile email offline_access read:roles',
// Using Authorization Code Flow
// (PKCE is activated by default for authorization code flow)
responseType: 'code',
// Your Auth0 account's logout url
// Derive it from your application's domain
logoutUrl: 'https://id.company-name.com/logout',
customQueryParams: {
// API identifier configured in Auth0
audience: 'https://dev-51246k0z.us.auth0.com/api/v2/',
silentRefreshTimeout: 5000, // For faster testing
timeoutFactor: 0.25, // For faster testing
sessionChecksEnabled: true,
showDebugInformation: true, // Also requires enabling "Verbose" level in devtools
clearHashAfterLogin: false, // https://github.com/manfredsteyer/angular-oauth2-oidc/issues/457#issuecomment-431807040,
nonceStateSeparator : 'semicolon' // Real semicolon gets mangled by IdentityServer's URI encoding
The issue I am coming across is that the custom scope I am specifying for roles is not coming through using the Auth0 Github Social Connection. My scope field looks like this:
// Scopes ("rights") the Angular application wants get delegated
scope: 'openid profile email offline_access read:roles',
, but the access_token
will never include scopes beyond openid profile email offline_access
. I.e. will not give the app the scope/permissions for read:roles
causing the Auth0 roles API to fail.
My Github social login is working. The app re-directs me to Github, where it asks me to log in, and then specifies the scopes the Github app wants.
If this question is not clear enough, feel free to comment, and will tidy the question up.
Just to answer my own question. This is a non-frontend-related error. Auth0 intentionally only allows the front end to have limited scopes: https://auth0.com/docs/tokens/management-api-access-tokens/get-management-api-tokens-for-single-page-applications
^ If using Auth0, the only way to get these scopes is to wrap your own API, with the secret client id behind the scenes. This is not a front end related issue. Then depending on permissions granted to backend API, you might be able to grab custom scopes via the backend.