In AudioKit there is this method for AKPlayer:
@objc dynamic public func play(at audioTime: AVAudioTime?)
I want the same for stop method because I want to be able to stop the player at any time when the user hits the stop button. I am making a music app and I need to stop the sound in X time which is calculated based on BPM and etc.
Here is how I start my AKPlayer
: + timeToClosestBeatGrid)
I want the same API with stop:
drums.stop(at: + timeToClosestBeatGrid) // this api doesnt exist :(((
I tried using endTime
property by setting it but it does not seem to do anything...
How may I accomplish this?
PS: I am not looking for a Timer solution this is because a timer is not 100% accurate. I want my stop method to be 100% accurate just like play method
The most accurate way to schedule events in AudioKit is by using AKSequencer. The sequencer can be connected to a callback instrument, which is a node that passes the events to an user-defined function.
In your case, you would add an event at the time where you want the player to stop. In your callback function, you would stop the player as a response to that event.
This is an outline of what should be done:
Note On
.This is what your callback function would look like:
func stopCallback(status:UInt8, note:MIDINoteNumber, vel:MIDIVelocity) -> () {
guard let status = AKMIDIStatus(byte: status),
let type = status.type,
type == .noteOn else { return }