I don't know very much about how Haskell optimization works internally but I've been using filters quite much hoping that they are optimized into something equivalent to a simple if in C++. For example
mapM_ print $ filter (\n -> n `mod` 2 == 0) [0..10]
will compile into equivalent of
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (i%2 == 0)
printf("%d\n", i);
With long lists (10 000 000 elements) it seems to be true for a basic filter
but there is a huge difference if I use the monadic filterM
. I wrote a piece of code for this speed testing and it's obvious that the usage of filterM
lasts much longer (250x) than a more imperative approach using when
import Data.Array.IO
import Control.Monad
import System.CPUTime
main :: IO ()
main = do
start <- getCPUTime
arr <- newArray (0, 100) 0 :: IO (IOUArray Int Int)
okSimple i =
i < 100
ok i = do
return $ i < 100
-- -- of course we don't need IO for a simple i < 100
-- -- but my goal is to ask for the contents of the array, e.g.
-- ok i = do
-- current <- readArray arr (i `mod` 101)
-- return$ i `mod` 37 > current `mod` 37
write :: Int -> IO ()
write i =
writeArray arr (i `mod` 101) i
writeIfOkSimple :: Int -> IO ()
writeIfOkSimple i =
when (okSimple i) $ write i
writeIfOk :: Int -> IO ()
writeIfOk i =
ok i >>= (\isOk -> when isOk $ write i)
---- these four methods have approximately same execution time ----
---- (but the last one is executed on 250 times shorter list) ----
-- mapM_ write$ filter okSimple [0..10000000*250] -- t = 20.694
-- mapM_ writeIfOkSimple [0..10000000*250] -- t = 20.698
-- mapM_ writeIfOk [0..10000000*250] -- t = 20.669
filterM ok [0..10000000] >>= mapM_ write -- t = 17.200
-- evaluate array
elems <- getElems arr
print $ sum elems
end <- getCPUTime
print $ fromIntegral (end - start) / (10^12)
My question is: shouldn't both approaches (using writeIfOk
/ using filterM ok
and write
) compile into the same code (iterate list, ask for condition, write data)? If not, can I do something (rewrite code, add compilation flags, use inline pragma or something) to make them computationally equivalent or should I always use when
when performance is critical?
Boiling this question down to its essence, your asking about the difference between
f (filter g xs)
f =<< filterM (pure . g) xs
This basically comes down to laziness. filter g xs
produces its result incrementally as it's demanded, only walking xs
far enough to find the next element of the result. filterM
is defined something like this:
filterM _p [] = pure []
filterM p (x : xs)
= liftA2 (\q r -> if q then x : r else r)
(p x)
(filterM p xs)
Since IO
is a "strict" applicative, this will not produce anything at all until it's walked the whole list, accumulating the p x
results in memory.