I have a HashMap that stores external uids and then it stores a different id ( internal for our app ) that has been set for the given uid.
The map is checked by uid to make sure the same internal id will be used. If something is resent to the application.
DICOMUID2StudyIdentiferMap defined as follows:
private static Map DICOMUID2StudyIdentiferMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
The load however will overwrite it, if we successfully load, otherwise it will use the default empty HashMap.
Its read back from disk by doing:
FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream( studyUIDFile );
ObjectInputStream s = new ObjectInputStream( f );
Map loadedMap = ( Map )s.readObject();
DICOMUID2StudyIdentiferMap = Collections.synchronizedMap( loadedMap );
The HashMap is written to disk using:
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream( studyUIDFile );
ObjectOutputStream s = new ObjectOutputStream( f );
The issue I have is, locally running in Eclipse performance is fine, but when the application is running in normal use on a machine the HashMap is taking several minutes to load from disk. Once loaded it also takes a long time to check for a previous value by say seeing if DICOMUID2StudyIdentiferMap.put(..., ...) will return a value.
I load the same map object in both cases, its a ~400kb file. The HashMap that it contains has about ~3000 key-value pairs.
Why is it so slow on one machine, but not in eclipse?
The machine is a VM running XP it has only recently started becoming slow to read the HashMap, so it must be related to the size of it, however 400kb isn't very big I don't think.
Any advice welcome, TIA
Not sure that serialising your Map is the best option. If the Map is disk-based for persistance, why not use a lib that's designed for disk? Check out Kyoto Cabinet. It's actually written in c++ but there is a java API. I've used it several times, it's very easy to use, very fast and can scale to a huge size.
This is an example I'm copy/pasting for Tokyo cabinet, the old version of Kyoto, but it's basically the same:
import tokyocabinet.HDB;
String dir = "/path/to/my/dir/";
HDB hash = new HDB();
// open the hash for read/write, create if does not exist on disk
if (!hash.open(dir + "unigrams.tch", HDB.OWRITER | HDB.OCREAT)) {
throw new IOException("Unable to open " + dir + "unigrams.tch: " + hash.errmsg());
// Add something to the hash
hash.put("blah", "my string");
// Close it