So I already uploaded my iOS app to a website for download. My friends already downloaded it into their devices. And it has been quite awhile (2 weeks).
Now I decided to publish the same app in AppStore.
Would there be any conflict for this app when downloading from website and later download it again from Appstore? Any download/update issue?
What if I use a different bundle id
What if I use the same bundle id
What if I change the app version
Can an app with the same bundle ID
be uploaded to both Enterprise Account
and Appstore Account
Also other possible scenarios?
Thank you.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
What if I use a different bundle id?
Then they're two different apps with the same name and icon, but for iOS they'll be installed in separate folders, different keychain entries, UserDefaults, etc.
What if I use the same bundle id?
If you distributed a Testflight build exported from Xcode, then they install from App Store as long as the build number is bigger only the binaries will be updated: no data loss.
What if I change the app version?
That's a new version of your app, so nothing wrong here, in fact, I'll bump the app version before sending it to Apple, so this version has a bigger version number than the Testflight ones. You should use Semantic Versioning for this.