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How to get Total/Available/Used space of a USB drive in MacOS - Swift?

How do you determine the Total, Available, and Used space of a USB drive in Swift (MacOS)?

There are several good posts about this (example: How to get the Total Disk Space and Free Disk space using AttributesOfFileSystemForpaths in swift 2.0 and, but they all just get the space of the operating system drive and not of a USB drive.

For example, I have a 64GB USB drive with volume name "myusb", so the MacOS mounts the drive at /Volumes/myusb. Finder shows the total space of the USB drive as 62.91GB, available as 62.29GB, and used as 625,999,872 bytes.

The trouble seems to be that when I give the path of the USB drive, since it obviously is part of the main / path, it is returning the information for / which is my OS drive, not the USB drive.

Here is what I am doing when trying to determine free space of the USB drive and which returns a value of 292298430687 bytes (which is the available space of my OS drive, not USB drive):

   Returns URL of root of USB drive - i.e. /Volumes/myusb
   Uses bundleURL as .app file being executed is located on the USB drive
static func getRootURL() -> URL {
    let bundlePath = Bundle.main.bundleURL
    let bundlePathComponents = bundlePath.pathComponents
    let destinationRootPathURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: bundlePathComponents[0])
    return destinationRootPathURL

   returns free space of USB drive
func getAvailableSpaceInBytes() -> Int64 {
    if #available(OSX 10.13, *) {
        if let freeSpace = try? getRootURL().resourceValues(forKeys: [URLResourceKey.volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsageKey])
                .volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsage {
                return freeSpace
    } else {
        // Fallback on earlier versions
        guard let systemAttributes = try? FileManager.default.attributesOfFileSystem(forPath: getRootURL().path),
              let freeSize = systemAttributes[FileAttributeKey.systemFreeSize] as? NSNumber
        else {
            // something failed so return nil
            return 0
        return freeSize.int64Value
        return 0


  • You can use FileManager's mountedVolumeURLs method to get all mounted volumes and get the volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsage resource key/value from it:

    extension FileManager {
        static var mountedVolumes: [URL] {
            (FileManager.default.mountedVolumeURLs(includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil) ?? []).filter({$0.path.hasPrefix("/Volumes/")})

    extension URL {
        var volumeTotalCapacity: Int? {
            (try? resourceValues(forKeys: [.volumeTotalCapacityKey]))?.volumeTotalCapacity
        var volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsage: Int64? {
            (try? resourceValues(forKeys: [.volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsageKey]))?.volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsage
        var name: String? {
            (try? resourceValues(forKeys: [.nameKey]))?.name


    for url in FileManager.mountedVolumes {
        print( ?? "Untitled")
        print("Capacity:", url.volumeTotalCapacity ?? "nil")
        print("Available:", url.volumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsage ?? "nil")
        print("Used:", (try? url.sizeOnDisk()) ?? "nil") // check the other link below

    For a 16GB USB drive with BigSur installer the code above will print

    Install macOS Big Sur
    Capacity: 15180193792
    Available: 2232998976
    Used: 12.93 GB on disk

    To get the used space of a volume "sizeOnDisk" you can check this post