I have a large table with the following structure:
dt | veh_id | lat | long |
2021-01-14 13:00:00 | 123456ABC | 26.56602763823091 | 2.937412284992731 |
2021-01-14 13:00:00 | 1762GH | 26.56602763823091 | 2.937412284992731 |
2021-01-14 13:00:00 | 189725FT | 26.56602763823091 | 2.937412284992731 |
2021-01-14 13:52:07 | 123456ABC | 27.03312220493411 | 2.6008171450629343 |
2021-01-14 14:02:27 | 123456ABC | 27.195391148992073 | 2.490953866466876 |
What I would like to calculate (if possible) is the additional rows based on the same vehicle ID travelling.
dt | veh_id | lat | long | Time | Distance (Miles) | Speed (MPH) |
2021-01-14 13:00:00 | 123456ABC | 26.56602763823091 | 2.937412284992731 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2021-01-14 13:00:00 | 1762GH | 26.56602763823091 | 2.937412284992731 | |||
2021-01-14 13:00:00 | 189725FT | 26.56602763823091 | 2.937412284992731 | |||
2021-01-14 13:52:07 | 123456ABC | 27.03312220493411 | 2.6008171450629343 | 00:52:07 | 39.5 | 45.4 |
2021-01-14 14:02:27 | 123456ABC | 27.195391148992073 | 2.490953866466876 | 00:06:20 | 13.2 | 76.6 |
This is over a very large number of rows, at the moment the data is only in day tables with each table containing 1 day. This may however be merged to run this query over multiple days. I am interested in any vehicles exceeding a certain speed so filtering on this column would be great.
Thanks in advance you very clever people. :)
This data is in a MariaDB (10.3)(database but can be exported to anything to help me achieve this. I have no idea where to start with this and have tried to run this in Power BI with measures which had some partial success but ran out of RAM and having spent a few days trying I have now almost given up on this.
I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to MySQL and whilst I can get away with basic commands, I have never attempted anything like this and not even sure if it is possible? Any help or guidance appreciated.
You would do something like:
select dt, veh_id, lat, lon, sec_to_time(secs) time, round(distance,1) distance, round(if(secs,distance/secs*3600,0),1) speed
from (
select dt, veh_id, lat, lon,
timediff(dt,coalesce(lag(dt) over w,dt)) secs,
(3958.7613*(2*ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN(((lat-lag(lat) over w)*0.017453293)/2),2)+COS(lat*0.017453293)*COS((lag(lat) over w)*0.017453293)*POWER(SIN(((lon-lag(lon) over w)*0.017453293)/2),2)))))
,0) distance
from a_large_table
window w as (partition by veh_id order by dt)
) add_lag;
I may have gotten the distance formula wrong, I didn't get the same numbers you did.