My question is very complex, and my English is not that well, so please excuse if you don't understand me.
I have a SwiftUI File, which builds for each Item in a folder on my firebase an special Button.
If I touch this Button, it will hide. The problem is, I want that if the SwiftUI File reloads, I want to see only these Buttons which I haven't tapped before. (I want to Store which Buttons are Tapped). The Problem is, each time I reload the SwiftUI File, It'll make new Buttons, which aren't tapped yet.
My Question is now, how can I create only for the new Items in my Folder (on the firebase) an Button. The old once should be displayed too, if they were not tapped.
You can store Bool in Firebase. Just load items which false and when you tap a button you make the value true.