Search code examples

How do I select an object from a list MongoDB MVC

I have the following data structure:

    "id": "604ab2c4a568b9181987c9eb",
    "name": "Paul",
    "eventDate": "2021-03-12T00:16:03.672Z",
    "created": "2021-03-12T00:16:03.673Z",
    "images": [
        "id": "604ab2c3a568b9181987c603",
        "name": "DSC_0",
        "url": "",
        "isSelected": true
    "id": "604ab3889c5ac2289b450e3c",
    "name": "Paul",
    "eventDate": "2021-03-12T00:16:03.672Z",
    "created": "2021-03-12T00:16:03.673Z",
    "images": [
        "id": "604ab3879c5ac2289b450a54",
        "name": "DSC_0",
        "url": "",
        "isSelected": true

and im trying to get the image by the user id and the image id, but i cant for some reason

var filter = Builders<Client>.Filter.Eq("Id", "604ab2c4a568b9181987c9eb");
filter &= Builders<Client>.Filter.ElemMatch(u => u.Images,t => t.Id == "604ab2c3a568b9181987c603");
return _client.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();

This is giving me back all the document with the id "604ab2c4a568b9181987c9eb", but i just wanted to receive the image with the id "604ab2c3a568b9181987c603"

Here the models of the objects:

public class Client
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public DateTime EventDate { get; set; }

    public DateTime Created { get; set; }

    public List<Image> Images { get; set; }

public class Image
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Url { get; set; }

    public bool IsSelected { get; set; }

So i wanted to know how could i fix my code to make it give me back just an image, or more than one images from the user im searching.

Last but not least, i wanted to know if i can change the isSelected value even if im using the same filter.


  • You wanted to use projection for only asking for the specific Image with the given id. So the query would look like>

    var client = new MongoClient();
    var database = client.GetDatabase("test");
    var collection = database.GetCollection<Client>("clients");
    //collection.InsertOne(new Client
    //    Created = DateTime.Now,
    //    EventDate = DateTime.Now,
    //    Name = "myClient",
    //    Images = new List<Image>
    //    { 
    //        new Image
    //        {
    //            Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(DateTime.Now).ToString(),
    //            Name = "Image1",
    //            IsSelected = true,
    //            Url = "myUrl1"
    //        }, 
    //        new Image
    //        {
    //            Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(DateTime.Now).ToString(),
    //            Name = "Image2",
    //            IsSelected = true,
    //            Url = "myUrl2"
    //        }
    //    }
    var filter = Builders<Client>.Filter.Eq("Id", "605a60a76b25fefcc3b1bc00");
    var imageFilter = Builders<Image>.Filter.Eq("Id", "605a60a76b25fefcc3b1bbff");
    var projection = (ProjectionDefinition<Client, Client>)Builders<Client>.Projection.ElemMatch("Images", imageFilter);
    var image = collection.Find(filter).Project(projection).FirstOrDefault() // here you have the specific client with only the right Image in the Images. Other props are default.
      ?.Images?[0]; // selecting the only Image in the list.

    Sorry, but the update part is not that simple. Taking a whole different approach>

    var filter = Builders<Client>.Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, "605a60a76b25fefcc3b1bc00");
    var update = Builders<Client>.Update.Set("images.$[f].isSelected", false);
    var arrayFilters = new[]
        new BsonDocumentArrayFilterDefinition<BsonDocument>(
            new BsonDocument("f._id", BsonObjectId.Create("605a60a76b25fefcc3b1bbff")))
    collection.UpdateOne(filter, update, new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters });

    Mostly taken from