I'm using React (not React Native) and I'm trying to use Web Share Api to share some text and an url through my app. However, when I open any app to share, it changes from the text I've put to a default text from React local development.
Yes, I'm using HTTPS. Yes, I'm in a browser that supports Web Share Api (Safari 13.0.4). It does share correctly, but just not using the text I provided and yes a generic text of: "React App localhost this website was created using create-react-app"
This is the function I use to share:
const handleClick = () => {
if (navigator.share) {
title: "Something",
text: "Hello, please come visit my website",
url: "www.website.com.br",
.then(() => {
console.log("Successfully shared");
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Something went wrong", error);
Why is React overriding my share and how can I avoid that? Here's a gif of it happening
This is not a problem with the Web Share API or its implementation. The Notes application supports only the url attribute, and displays a sample based on the url's metadata.