Is there a way to convert the HTML tab_model object into an R object, like a data.frame or tibble?
Please let me know if/when you can. Thanks.
Here is the code I used to create the tab_model object:
# Loads packages
# ---- NOTE: making plots and diamonds dataset
# ---- NOTE: run mixed effects models
# ---- NOTE: for data wrangling
# ---- NOTE: for sjPlot command
# dataset creation
## for dataset with top 300 rows
# ---- NOTE: selects only the top 300 rows of the dataset
diamonds_top300 <- data.frame(dplyr::top_n(ggplot2::diamonds, 300, y))
# ---- NOTE: gives dataset info
# model creation
## DV price for diamonds_top300, using poisson family
mlm_top300_poisson_price <-
price ~ cut + color + carat + (1 | clarity) + (1 | depth),
data = diamonds_top300,
family = poisson()
# creates tab_model object
## tab_model of mlm_top300_poisson_price
tab_model_mlm_top300_poisson_price <-
What about something like this:
# first you parse the html, then you put it as table, taking the first
df <- data.frame(readHTMLTable(htmlParse(tab_model_mlm_top300_poisson_price))[1])
# first row as colnames
colnames(df) <- df[1,]
# remove the fake first row
df <- df[-1,]
Predictors Incidence Rate Ratios CI p
2 (Intercept) 6754.63 5410.16 – 8433.23 <0.001
3 cut [linear] 1.08 1.07 – 1.09 <0.001
4 cut [quadratic] 0.95 0.94 – 0.96 <0.001
5 cut [cubic] 1.04 1.04 – 1.05 <0.001
6 cut [4th degree] 1.04 1.04 – 1.05 <0.001
7 color [linear] 0.94 0.93 – 0.95 <0.001
8 color [quadratic] 0.97 0.97 – 0.98 <0.001
9 color [cubic] 0.92 0.91 – 0.92 <0.001
10 color [4th degree] 1.12 1.11 – 1.12 <0.001
11 color [5th degree] 0.88 0.87 – 0.88 <0.001
12 color [6th degree] 1.05 1.04 – 1.05 <0.001
13 carat 1.43 1.42 – 1.44 <0.001
14 Random Effects <NA> <NA> <NA>
15 s2 0.00 <NA> <NA>
16 t00depth 0.01 <NA> <NA>
17 t00clarity 0.08 <NA> <NA>
18 ICC 1.00 <NA> <NA>
19 N clarity 6 <NA> <NA>
20 N depth 83 <NA> <NA>
21 Observations 305 <NA> <NA>
22 Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.183 / 0.999 <NA> <NA>