I have six images name as 1.jpg to 6.jpg of each side of dice and I want to display image defined by a random number I generate in runtime.
How can I make dynamic path including this random number? I tried some ways but getting 404 image not found
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
Folder with images:
Dice is my project name and random_dice is my app name.
I already tried this:
<img class="myImage" src='{% static "images/{{ number }}.jpg"%}' alt="can not load the image">
<img class="myImage" style="background-image:url('{{ STATIC_URL }} images/{{ number }}.jpg')" alt="can not load the image">
Also tried before the rendering page to make custom name and put in dict but still not working
def home(request):
X = random.randrange(1, 6)
result = {
"number": X,
"myImage": str(X) + '.jpg'
return rander(request, 'home.html', result)
In that condition ...
<img class="myImage" src='{% static "images/{{ myImage }}"%}' alt="can not load the image">
<img class="myImage" style="background-image:url('{{ STATIC_URL }} images/{{ myImage }}')" alt="can not load the image">
Should I move image folder to else position or change STATIC_URL or the syntax is wronge? I have no idea please help.
One of possible solutions:
<img class="myImage" src='{% static "images" %}{{ myImage }}' />
static "images"
will prepend "images" with STATIC_URL, myImage
was taken outside of {% %}
and now double curly braces work fine.