I'm using Rails with Webpacker. When I deploy, my CSS asset digest (the digest on the files in public/packs/css
) is not the same from deploy to deploy.
Not only is the digest not the same from deploy to deploy, but sometimes (although not always) the digest is different from machine to machine.
How can I troubleshoot this issue? I thought I could maybe gain some insight by learning exactly how the digest is generated, but I haven't been able to find any good information on that so far.
Found the solution, thanks to these two GitHub issues.
Step 1: run yarn add webpack-merge
Step 2: change config/webpack/environment.js
to match the following:
const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
const sassLoader = environment.loaders.get('sass')
const cssLoader = environment.loaders.get('css')
sassLoader.use.map(loader => {
if (loader.loader === 'css-loader') {
loader.options = merge(loader.options, { sourceMap: false })
cssLoader.use.map(loader => {
if (loader.loader === 'css-loader') {
loader.options = merge(loader.options, { sourceMap: false })
module.exports = environment
Afterward, the CSS digests should be deterministic.