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how to call function with dynamic name in Daml?

the choice call have few function to required to be called based on the values which we passed from list.

For Example:

Choice Call: update X
let list = [FunctionX,FunctionZ,FunctionY]
list.forEach (FunctionName =>
  FunctionName  parameter 
function 1 :
X:FunctionX parameter  = X
function 2:
Z:FunctionZ parameter  = Z
function3 :
Y:FunctionY parameter  = Y

here in this choice expectation is the call function X and function Z how we can achieve this


  • I'm not entirely sure what you're after here, but this may be helpful:

    module Main where
    import Daml.Script
    import qualified DA.Text
    data Function = Reverse | Length | Dup
      deriving (Eq, Show)
    data Result = ResultInt Int | ResultText Text
      deriving (Eq, Show)
    execFn: Text -> Function -> Result
    execFn arg = \case
      Reverse -> ResultText (DA.Text.reverse arg)
      Length -> ResultInt (DA.Text.length arg)
      Dup -> ResultText (arg <> arg)
    template ChooseYourFunctions
        owner: Party
        argument: Text
        signatory owner
        controller owner can
          RunFunctions: [Result]
              functions: [Function]
              return $ map (execFn argument) functions
    setup : Script ()
    setup = script do
      alice <- allocatePartyWithHint "Alice" (PartyIdHint "Alice")
      exec <- submit alice do
        createCmd ChooseYourFunctions with
          owner = alice
          argument = "hello"
      result <- submit alice do
        exerciseCmd exec RunFunctions with functions = [Reverse, Length, Reverse, Reverse, Dup]
      debug result
      return ()

    This will print out the following trace (from the debug call):

    [ResultText "olleh",ResultInt 5,ResultText "olleh",ResultText "olleh",ResultText "hellohello"]

    where you can see that we're calling the list of functions supplied.

    If you want more flexibility in defining the functions on a per-call basis, you may want to have a look at these two threads on the Daml forum.