the choice call have few function to required to be called based on the values which we passed from list.
For Example:
Choice Call: update X
let list = [FunctionX,FunctionZ,FunctionY]
list.forEach (FunctionName =>
FunctionName parameter
function 1 :
X:FunctionX parameter = X
function 2:
Z:FunctionZ parameter = Z
function3 :
Y:FunctionY parameter = Y
here in this choice expectation is the call function X and function Z how we can achieve this
I'm not entirely sure what you're after here, but this may be helpful:
module Main where
import Daml.Script
import qualified DA.Text
data Function = Reverse | Length | Dup
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Result = ResultInt Int | ResultText Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
execFn: Text -> Function -> Result
execFn arg = \case
Reverse -> ResultText (DA.Text.reverse arg)
Length -> ResultInt (DA.Text.length arg)
Dup -> ResultText (arg <> arg)
template ChooseYourFunctions
owner: Party
argument: Text
signatory owner
controller owner can
RunFunctions: [Result]
functions: [Function]
return $ map (execFn argument) functions
setup : Script ()
setup = script do
alice <- allocatePartyWithHint "Alice" (PartyIdHint "Alice")
exec <- submit alice do
createCmd ChooseYourFunctions with
owner = alice
argument = "hello"
result <- submit alice do
exerciseCmd exec RunFunctions with functions = [Reverse, Length, Reverse, Reverse, Dup]
debug result
return ()
This will print out the following trace (from the debug
[ResultText "olleh",ResultInt 5,ResultText "olleh",ResultText "olleh",ResultText "hellohello"]
where you can see that we're calling the list of functions supplied.
If you want more flexibility in defining the functions on a per-call basis, you may want to have a look at these two threads on the Daml forum.