Some of the test data have img some not.
I am new to Nunjucks and google does not find how to test if the record have key img?
I try the following:
{% for r in testdata %}
{% if r.img %} <img src="{{img}}" alt="{{r.heading}}">{% endif %}
{% endfor $}
But seems does not work.
I have also search the Nunjucks doc, but does not find has_key or some other info.
type: G
TID: 567
heading: 泰國
alt1: Tailânia
type: P
TID: 4
heading: Monteiro, Vicente
alt1: 韋思明
alt2: Monteiro, Vicente Joao
source: 物業登記局局長 (1998)
type: P
TID: 1
heading: Pires, Candida da Silva Antunes
alt1: 李淑華
source: 澳門大學法學院副教授, (1995)
img: P0001.jpg
{% if r.img is defined %} should also do the trick. – Lesha Ogonkov 3 hours ago