(The coordinate conventions in my code might be pretty messy for some---it's really weird. I won't explain it unless someone points out that it might be the problem. I think the problem is my use of a "roving" pointer [see traceback below].)
So I have this structure:
typedef struct node astarnode;
struct node{
int xpos;
int ypos;
astarnode* father;
on which I run an A* search for a path on a map:
void astar(int m,int n,int sx,int sy,int gx,int gy,char *map[]){
//Yep. A priority queue. Will post code if this happens to be the problem.
PQueue* nodequeue = (PQueue *) malloc(sizeof(PQueue));
//Just some global variables
rowlimit = m;
collimit = n;
startx = sx;
starty = sy;
goalx = gx;
goaly = gy;
environment = map;
int row = sx;
int col = sy;
astarnode* thisnode = (astarnode *) malloc(sizeof(astarnode));
thisnode->xpos = col;
thisnode->ypos = row;
//The root of the tree is the node with itself as father.
thisnode->father = thisnode;
while(row != gy || col != gx){
printf("currently in (%d, %d)\n", row, col);
//Tedious move functions---see template below
//putToQueue won't enqueue astarnodes whose fathers are null---see move functions
astarnode* upleft = moveUpLeft(col, row, thisnode);
putToQueue(nodequeue, upleft);
astarnode* up = moveUp(col, row, thisnode);
putToQueue(nodequeue, up);
astarnode* upright = moveUpRight(col, row, thisnode);
putToQueue(nodequeue, upright);
astarnode* left = moveLeft(col, row, thisnode);
putToQueue(nodequeue, left);
astarnode* right = moveRight(col, row, thisnode);
putToQueue(nodequeue, right);
astarnode* downleft = moveDownLeft(col, row, thisnode);
putToQueue(nodequeue, downleft);
astarnode* down = moveDown(col, row, thisnode);
putToQueue(nodequeue, down);
astarnode* downright = moveDownRight(col, row, thisnode);
putToQueue(nodequeue, downright);
//And enqueue
thisnode = (astarnode *) malloc(sizeof(astarnode));
thisnode = dequeue(nodequeue, thisnode);
row = thisnode->ypos;
col = thisnode->xpos;
My traceback function is
void traceback(astarnode* asn){
astarnode* rover = asn;
while(rover->xpos != startx || rover->ypos != starty){
rover = rover->father;
I print astarnode as:
void printAStarNode(astarnode *asn){
int address = (int) asn->father;
int myaddress = (int) asn;
printf("%d : (%d, %d, %d)", myaddress, asn->ypos, asn->xpos, address);
A template of my move functions:
astarnode* moveDown(int x, int y, astarnode* pred){
astarnode* downnode = (astarnode *) malloc(sizeof(astarnode));
//Do necessary translations and then reflect to struct
y += 1;
downnode->xpos = x;
downnode->ypos = y;
if(y > rowlimit){ //This move is infeasible.
downnode->father = NULL;
} else{
downnode->father = pred;
return downnode;
For which I get the following trace:
currently in (0, 0)
149012584 : (0, 0, 149012584)
currently in (1, 1)
149012712 : (1, 1, 149012584)
currently in (2, 2)
149012888 : (2, 2, 149012712)
currently in (3, 3)
149013080 : (3, 3, 149012888)
currently in (3, 4)
149013240 : (3, 4, 149013080)
currently in (4, 5)
149013512 : (4, 5, 149013240)
currently in (5, 6)
149013720 : (5, 6, 149013512)
currently in (6, 6)
149013880 : (6, 6, 149013720)
currently in (6, 7)
149013912 : (6, 7, 149013720)
currently in (7, 8)
149014392 : (7, 8, 149013912)
currently in (8, 8)
149014616 : (8, 8, 149014392)
<Traceback actually starts here>
149014872 : (9, 9, 149014616)
149014616 : (8, 0, 149014392)
149014392 : (7, 0, 149013912)
149013912 : (6, 0, 149013720)
149013720 : (5, 0, 149013512)
149013512 : (4, 0, 149013240)
149013240 : (3, 0, 149013080)
149013080 : (3, 0, 149012888)
149012888 : (2, 0, 149012712)
149012712 : (1, 0, 149012584)
The addresses seem correct but why did the xpos' all become 0? Anything I missed?
I suspect that your traceback routine prints out nodes that you have already freed. (The free() right after the comment about enqueueing.)