I use DryWetMIDI which works fine with some Keyboards.
With my Johannus organ DryWetMIDI InputDevice receives a NoteOn message when I release a key! I've checked the Keyboards messages with Midi-OX. The Keyboard sends the right messages (NoteOn/NoteOff) when I press and release a key.
How can this happen? What's going wrong?
I'm posting the answer based on comments.
Your device sending Note Off as Note On with velocity of zero which is common way to encode Note Off. But DryWetMIDI doesn't process incoming events by default, so you see raw messages as a device sends them.
Version 5.2.1 of the library provides SilentNoteOnPolicy
property within InputDevice
. Setting the policy to NoteOff
tells DWM automatically transform Note On with zero velocity to Note Off.