I know some javascript, html and css. However, i have no idea how could they make some website like http://apple.com/mac .
When I look at the source code of that sites, it looks like being generated by some program/ IDE. I guess people doesn't write all the code by their own using notepad in this case?
Can you suggest how people usually do (what steps/ tools/ IDE...) in order to start making a website like apple.com/mac ?
If you are an amateur website developer, I suggest using Dreamweaver as its WYSIWYG editor and also HTML5 / CSS3 support is great. If you want to stay just code editing, I'd advise Aptana Studio 3, again great code support. As for creating a site like Apple, it's a bit specific. Check out sites like http://net.tutsplus.com/ for tutorials on how to make sites.
How does the code look generated? Some JS is compressed - check out http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/ for an example.
To make sure you start off on the right end of the website developer spectrum check out:
I'm missing out loads more here, there is so much to know. Don't focus on making a site like Apples, it sucks.