Hi, I'm new to iPhone development. I'm working on a PickerView control and I'm facing a problem.
How do I bind a PickerView control with a string array. It takes a NSObject
as the Datasource property. I have an array of items which I want to bind with this PickerView control but I can't.
I've tried this :
String[] item = {"New York", "Toronto", "California"};
pickView.Datasource = (NSObject) item;
but it's not working. Please can anyone tell me how I bind a string array with a PickerView control. Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Note: any help in Objective C is also accepted.
Things work differently on iOS. To provide data to a picker view, you need to create a class that inherits the UIPickerViewModel class:
public class PickerModel : UIPickerViewModel
Inside that class, you need to override some methods so that your data will be displayed:
String[] item = {"New York", "Toronto", "California"};
public override string GetTitle (UIPickerView picker, int row, int component)
return item[row];
public override int GetRowsInComponent(UIPickerView picker, int component)
return item.Length;
You then set a new instance of this class to your picker view's Model property:
pickerView.Model = new PickerModel();