I am trying to make a game with a fight. to do this i need to loop through a certain scene until either the player or monster has a health value of 0 or less. so i have variables set up to play the next scene (which is the same scene that i want to loop) after the variable hits 0. but the problem s that i dont know how to name a scene. here is my code:
def whack(self, sound):
global PL, KL, SL, BL
x, y = self._path.next_pos()
if self.overlaps(PLAYER, use_new_pos=True):
PL += 1
raise NextScene
if self.overlaps(SMOLFUNGI, use_new_pos=True):
SL -= 1
raise NextScene('the scene that is looping')
SpeechBubble(sound), y, x, clear=True, delete_count=50))
if PL < 1:
raise StopApplication
if SL < 1:
raise NextScene
# Scene 7.
path = Path()
path.jump_to(podium[0], podium[1])
effects = [
Box(screen.width, screen.height, uni=screen.unicode_aware),
0, 0, start_frame=1),
Print(screen, StaticRenderer(images=Grass),
x=screen.width - 140,
y=screen.height - 6,
scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1))
It's just a parameter on the Scene object. For an explanation of how to use them, read the relevant section in the docs (https://asciimatics.readthedocs.io/en/stable/widgets.html#exceptions).
The key example is as follows.
# Given this scene list...
scenes = [
Scene([ListView(screen, contacts)], -1, name="Main"),
Scene([ContactView(screen, contacts)], -1, name="Edit Contact")
# You can use this code to move back to the first scene at any time...
raise NextScene("Main")