Good Morning,
I have a dictionary: organized this way below; And What I want to do is use the dictionary values as the column number for the Key. As showed below:
My first idea was to loop through the dictionary and create a text file where dico_values = tabs and then transform this new file into an excel file but this seems one too much step. Cheers to all
You could perhaps try this:
new_dico = {value: [] for value in dico.values()} # {1: [], 2: [], 3: [], ...}
for key, value in dico.items():
for otherkey in new_dico.keys():
if otherkey == value:
# new_dico == {1: ["President of ...", "Members of ..", "", ...], 2: ["", "", "President's Office", ...], ...}
# Then you can make a dataframe of 'new_dico' with pandas, for instance