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How do I set a default value based on an associated model in Rails?

I have a model called userWorkshop it references both a User and a Workshop.

Workshops have a price column.

userWorkshops have an override_price column.

I would like its default value of the override_price column of the UserWorkShop to be based on the price column of the Workshop it is associated with.

I want to set this value in my ActiveRecord migration. I imagine it might look something like this:

  def change
    add_column :userWorkshops, :override_price, :float, default: "self.workshop.price" 

Any idea on the correct way to do this?


  • I'm not sure if there is a way to do all of this in one migration. I would take advantage of the before_initialize callback.

    class UserWorkshop < ApplicationRecord
      has_many :users
      belongs_to :workshop
      before_initialize :initial_values, unless: persisted?
      def initial_values
        self.override_price = workshop.price

    The benefit of this is that you can easily change your override_price to be something like this self.override_price = workshop.price/2 to give them a 50% discount or anything else of that sort.

    And then in a migration, something to take care of the old data.

    def change
      UserWorkshop.find_each do |uw|
        uw.override_price = uw.workshop.price