I have created a new laravel project in a fresh public_html dir on my work's server using
composer create-project laravel/laravel public_html
I have created the .vue component and the controller to display the homepage upon visiting the site but instead all that is displayed is this:
here is the web.php file for the handling the request:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!
Route::get('/', [HomepageContoller::class, 'index'])
here is the HomepageController class:
namespace App\HTTP\Controllers;
use Inertia\Inertia;
class HomepageContoller extends Controller {
public function index() {
return Inertia::render('Homepage/Index');
and here is the .vue component:
<h1>Brite Visual Products<h1>
export default {
metaInfo: { title: 'Brite Visual Products' },
everything is exactly where it belongs, nothing has been moved since the composer create-project
it seems as though the issue is just that the web root is being pointed at public_html/ and not public_html/public/
to fix that i will need to have higher permissions on my work's server, will post a full solution later
edit the following file
vi /var/cpanel/userdata/username/domain.com
Replace the "username" with your cPanel account username and "domain.com" with your primary domain name and "subdir" with your new directory.
Find the following two lines in this file.
documentroot: /home/username/public_html
path: /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin
Modify these two lines to change the document root of your primary domain to a sub-directory inside "public_html" directory.
documentroot: /home/username/public_html/subdir
path: /home/username/public_html/subdir/cgi-bin
If the primary domain has an SSL certificate installed, edit the following file the same way as above.
vim /var/cpanel/userdata/username/domain.com_SSL
Save the file after changes are made and then delete the cache file for your primary domain.
rm -vf /var/cpanel/userdata/username/domain.com_SSL.cache
Run the following scripts to update the user data cache and rebuild apache configuration file.
Restart Apache server to load changes.
service httpd restart