I am currently using a custom profile function that I set with sys.setprofile. The goal of the function is to raise an exception if we are in the main thread and if a timeout thread gave the signal to do so and we are within a specific scope of the project that properly handles specific exceptions.
def kill(frame, event, arg):
whitelist = [
if event == 'call' and frame.f_code.co_filename in whitelist and kill_signal and threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread():
raise BackgroundTimeoutError
return kill
It works perfectly, however, as soon as the exception is raised the profile function becomes unset. So after raising an exception inside a try/except block and calling sys.getProfile() it returns None.
print(sys.getProfile()) <----- this returns the profile function
print(sys.getProfile()) <----- this returns None
Why is the profile function being unset and how can I overcome this? Is there a way to permanently set the function or reset it when unset?
Profile functions are meant for profiling, not for raising exceptions. If a profile function raises an exception, Python assumes it's broken and unsets it.
The documentation says:
Error in the profile function will cause itself unset.