I'm trying to let the user select what files he wants to upload, but I'm facing a problem.
For example, there are two types of extension files the user can upload (csv
and xlsx
). After he upload his file streamlit
needs to open the file and shows as a dataframe. But in code I did, I create two if's to read the files with xlsx
extension and csv extension, but didn't worked as expected...
Upload file Button:
Here is my code:
import streamlit as st
if option =='Cg':
st.header("Cálculo do índice de Capabilidade Cg")
st.text("Irei adicionar algum texto aqui posteriormente para explicar o índice de capabilidade Cdl* e qual equação utilizamoos")
st.subheader("Faça o Upload do seu Arquivo de Dados abaixo:")
upload_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Data",type=["csv","xlsx"])
if upload_file is not None:
df = pd.read_excel(upload_file)
df = pd.read_csv(upload_file)
Your if-else statement needs to be modified to:
if upload_file is not None:
if upload_file.name[0][-4:] == 'xlsx':
df = pd.read_excel(upload_file)
df = pd.read_csv(upload_file)