I'm using Rails 3 and Devise for authentication. I have a proper working devise for the website and basic authentication for API (json handler). How do I enable the digest authentication?
Their Wiki is telling me to add
def http_authenticate
authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest do |user_name, password|
user_name == "foo" && password == "bar"
warden.custom_failure! if performed?
Where do I add it to and how do I make user_name/password match?
That wiki entry sure assumes a lot.
My best guess is you need to add it to the appropriate controller (or the Application controller if you want it for everything).
And then add a :before_filter :http_authenticate! You could also try tracking down the person who wrote that wiki page and asking them.
Note. This relies on Warden to perform your authentication - Devise only handles accounts.
One of the reasons this stuff isn't documented so well is most people use a sophisticated authentication management system (eg. OmniAuth), and something else for permissions/authorization eg. DeclarativeAuthorization or CanCan if you prefer something more light weight.
HTTPBasic (and I assume Digest) tends not to play nicely with these.