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How Can I Code This So The Player Won't Start Automatically?

This is what I have the bottom of the page.


    <table width=145 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
      <tr><td align=center><font face="arial" size="-5">Mp3 Control Console</font></td></tr>
      <tr><td><EMBED SRC="" AUTOSTART="FALSE" controls="smallconsole" width=295 height=45></embed></td></tr>
      <tr><td align=center><font face="arial" size="-5">Hiru_no_Tsuki.mp3 from Outlaw Star</font></td></tr>
      <tr><td align=center><font face="arial" size="-5"><a href="">Download this .mp3</A></font></td></tr>


AUTOSTART="FALSE" isn't working. The .mp3 starts playing. How do I get it not to autostart?

I want to place more of these on the page. But, I can't if they all start playing at once. I want visitors to have some choices.

Help me please?


  • Dont use the <embed> tag. Use the <audio> tag instead. To have controls panel just add the attribute controls which is an empty attribute and has no value. Also add a type attribute. Audio will not autoplay by default unless you add the autoplay attribtue which also is an empty attribute and has no value.

    Last but not elast, dont use tables for styling purpose. Its not tabular data. Do the layout design with either display: block; or flexbox.

    Just replace your <embed> line with following line:

    <audio width="295px" height="45px" controls>
      <source src=""  

        <table width=145 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
          <tr><td align=center><font face="arial" size="-5">Mp3 Control Console</font></td></tr>
          <tr><td><audio width="295px" height="45px" controls><source src=""  type="audio/mpeg"></audio></td></tr>
          <tr><td align=center><font face="arial" size="-5">Hiru_no_Tsuki.mp3 from Outlaw Star</font></td></tr>
          <tr><td align=center><font face="arial" size="-5"><a href="">Download this .mp3</A></font></td></tr>