I know this is a little bit too much, but I am plotting a dendrogram plot in r, and here is my code:
dd <- dist(scale(full[,c(1,2,3,4)]),method="euclidean")
hc = hclust(dd,method="ward.D2")
dend <- color_branches(as.dendrogram(hc),6)
labels_colors(dend) <-
as.numeric(classified[, 9])[order.dendrogram(dend)]
and I got this plot:
Is there any way can do mirror symmetry to make it like this:(please ignore the difference in colour)
plot_horiz.dendrogram(dend, side = TRUE)
should do the trick. See https://rdrr.io/cran/dendextend/f/vignettes/FAQ.Rmd