In my contrived chat app, I have a timestamp at the bottom that is supposed to tell when the page loaded. Adding chats should not change it, and I included a phx-update="ignore"
attribute on the div containing the timestamp to prevent that:
<div id="date" phx-hook="Date" phx-update="ignore"></div>
However, the timestamp does get updated when chats are added. Here is the initial state:
Then I click New Chat and the dialog appears:
I inspected the DOM and I know that step did not change the timestamp. However, when I press the Save button, the timestamp does change:
How can I prevent that from happening?
The Save button in the dialog was triggering a redirect that caused the page to refresh, so I fixed that by replacing the dialog with some widgets with phx-hook
fields, sending the chats to the server with pushEvent
in app.js:
<input id="usernameinput" placeholder="Your name" phx-update="ignore"/>
<input id="chatinput" placeholder="Say something"/>
<button id="newchatbtn" phx-hook="ChatSend">Send</button>
Hooks.ChatSend = {
mounted() {
let viewHook = this
this.el.addEventListener("click", function() {
let uni = document.getElementById("usernameinput")
let ci = document.getElementById("chatinput")
viewHook.pushEvent("send-chat", {msg: ci.value, username: uni.value})
@impl true
def handle_event("send-chat", %{"msg" => msg, "username" => username}, socket) do
{:ok, c} = Chats.create_chat(%{username: username, body: msg})
cs = socket.assigns.chats
cs = cs ++ [c]
socket = assign(socket, :chats, cs)
{:noreply, socket}
Here is the commit.