I am bit new to Ruby and had a problem with learning hashes. I have hash which contains months and days inside this month. And I need to print each one that has 31 days.
months = {
"MAR" => 31,
'APR' => 30,
'MAY' => 31,
'JUN' => 30
You can use:
months.select { |_month, days| days > 30 }
This former gives you all results that fit the criteria (days > 30
Here are the docs:
Once you've got the values you need, you can then print them to the console (or output however you'd like), e.g.
long_months = months.select { |_month, days| days > 30 }
long_months.each { |month, days| puts "#{month} has #{days} days" }
All that being said, assigning to a value before printing the result means two loops, whereas this can be achieved in one using a simple each
months.each do |month, days|
puts("#{month} has #{days} days") if days > 30
That'll be more efficient as there's less churn involved :)