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How I can use replace and then make new rows in pandas?

I each row of my data frame I have a couple of words. they has been separated by , . I want remove , if there is a space after that in all rows. and then make new row where I have ,.

For example let I have:

title               id
A, home,sad, Kar    1
car,figth, Sumer    2
light,daad,Hi       3

There is space after , in the first row after A also after sad . in the second row after figth. and the last row is good. so I will make new row with rest and will keep their id.

title               id
A home              1
sad Kar             1
car,                2
figth Sumer         2
light               3
 daad              3
 Hi                3
 park              3


  • Let us try str.replace + str.split followed by explode:

    df.assign(title=df['title'].str.replace(r',\s', ' ').str.split(',')).explode('title')

             title  id
    0       A home   1
    0      sad Kar   1
    1          car   2
    1  figth Sumer   2
    2        light   3
    2         daad   3
    2           Hi   3